Monday, September 23, 2013

Poverty: An Opportunity To Serve

"Poverty is not necessarily an issue to solve; it is an opportunity to serve. As we go through each day, our heart's cry should be, Lord, where would you have me give, serve, and invest myself to bring hope to the poor?
~Orphan Justice author, Johnny Carr

And that's a fact, poverty should not be a burden on the wealthy's backs, it should be a gift to their souls. Poverty is not a burden, it's an opportunity.

Then why does everyone seem to look at the ground, and shift uneasily when they hear the discussion come up? Why is it a touchy subject when we ask people to give?

People need, to be open to giving. Like a wise man once said, "Opportunity knocks once, but Satan leans on your doorbell."

We should run to the door and be willing, and ready to receive the package of opportunity! Not only should we be willing, we should be eager, and full of the excitement of giving.

Like Johnny Carr says, "Our heart's cry should be, Lord, where would you have me give, serve, and invest myself to bring hope to the poor?

Sadly many people today have the exact opposite attitude, they loathe giving their money away. Instead they buy a new TV, whereas that money could have been used to feed a family.

The question we all need to ask ourselves is, "Which person am I? Am I giving, and am I giving with a good attitude?"

Let's all make a change, a perfectly easy way to help give is by sponsoring a child. Click Here To Find Out More!

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