Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Compassion Assignment 3

ending poverty ugandan boyCompassion's Assignment: Write about the picture, Who is the person?                                                        What happened before this photo was taken?

The child standing in the dusty road is Ajani, a small 4 year old boy. He's dressed in one of his only shirts. Each of the holes and rips have a history. His mud stained top has been dragged through the worst of conditions, been worn by others, and finally handed down to him. He's worn it everyday since.

But he's happy, Ajani knows some children who's clothes are even worse than his! He lives life with a smile, and is thankful for what he has.

He lives with his family in a small adobe house, he has 9 siblings, and each of them squeezes into their one room home.

But they are happy, and unlike others, they have food to eat, but that wasn't always true. They used to have little to eat, sometimes eating nothing but the red clay that is bountiful there.

Then Ajani was sponsored, now he has enough to eat, he even gets to go to school! Sponsor a child today and bring children just like Ajani out of poverty.

* Yes, poor people in Africa eat the red clay that is there because there isn't anything else to eat. In fact, it even dies their hair red.

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