Tuesday, October 8, 2013

You Never Know What You Have Till It's Gone!

Sorry for not posting in a while, we've been so busy! Going camping, having birthdays, and seeing friends. Speaking of friends we've just said good bye to our dearest friends. They recently moved to Virginia, so it's been long-time-no-see, and saying good bye was painful! 

Like they always say, you never know what you have till it's gone! I have a challenge! Skip a meal, whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Skipping a meal will give you a picture of what it's like to be a child in a third world country who hasn't eaten in days!

It's amazing what we take for granted, whether it be food, friends, or family!

Comment your experience!

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo thankful that we got to see you all, even though leaving again was so emotional... Maybe you all could make it up here now :)...
