Tuesday, October 22, 2013

World Food Day!

Today is World Food Day! World Food Day is a movement to help prevent hunger in third-world countries.

Did You Know?

1.  There are an estimated 842 million hungry people on the planet. This means that one in eight people in the world suffer from chronic hunger, not having enough food for an active and healthy life. Plus the number of people on the planet is increasing rapidly. Production of basic staple foods will need to increase by 60 percent to meet the expected growth in demand.

2. Producing more food is important. But it is not enough. Two billion people worldwide lack micronutrients vital for good health. Each one of us requires more than basic staple foods for a balanced and nutritious diet. Our food systems must become more nutrition-driven, with a stronger focus on fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods.

3. Thousands of children die a day because of mal-nutrition and starvation.

How Can You Help?

Go to http://www.worldfooddayusa.org/  for more information.

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