Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rural Poverty In Colombia

Over 50% of Colombia's population is stranded in poverty, with millions only making $1.50 a day. With mouths to feed, and sickness to cure, Colombian people are in need.

The security in Colombia is lacking, with lots of outlaws, and gangs, it's a rough place to call home. Over 13% of children under the age of 6 suffer from acute malnutrition, and up to 15% suffer from chronic malnutrition.

Living in homes made out of garbage, rain seeps though the roof, and the wind comes through the tin walls. Children, infants, and people of all ages have to sustain themselves with little to no food, and inadiquate sources of water.

Children do chores and run errands in the dangerous rural roads at unbelievably early ages. Do these kids have any hope?

Yes, they do. By sponsoring a child you can make a difference. You might not change the world, but you'll change the world for that child.

You can help bring these families out of poverty, you can make a difference. Don't just wait for some one else to do it. If everybody did that, where would we all be? Choose to make a difference.

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