Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Poverty Doesn't Play Fair

With so many innocent people living in run down shelters, and feeding on scraps. Poverty sweeps the world in a never ending torment of pain until death.

No matter how innocent someone is, no matter the age, poverty takes lives. 

Poverty's Toll

The toll of poverty is unreal. We talk about how many people die because of drunk drivers but have we ever considered the deaths caused by poverty?

We can try and stop all the DUI people driving around, but so many people don't even lift a finger towards poverty!

9855 Americans die each year because of DUI related car wrecks.

8,030,000 children die a year because of poverty.

You Can Help Fight Poverty, just like you can help prevent other things. In fact, all it takes is $32 a month to help bring a family out of poverty.

You can help fight poverty by sponsoring a child. By sponsoring a child you're helping them financially, and you can keep a pen-pal relationship between you and your sponsor child! You even have the privledge of visiting them if you so choose!

Sponsor a child today! Help fight poverty!
 To sponsor a child click here.

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